[Bug/Exploit] Infinite railed bridges

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[Bug/Exploit] Infinite railed bridges

Postby madetofall » Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:06 pm

A friend of mine ran into this issue but I recreated it to verify before I posted this - screenshot is of my own experience:

-Built a 'railed bridge'
-Placed railed bridge (screenshot shows it on land, but the effect is the same whether it's on land or over water)
-Proceeded to whack bridge until it disassembles
-Once the bridge's 'health' is depleted the game notes that a railed bridge has entered my inventory - but the origin bridge remains
-I proceed to attack the bridge, which is now at 0hp, and each hit generates a new railed bridge which enters my inventory

Result = infinite railed bridges!
Secondary result = infinite money through the saturation of the railed bridge market! :twisted:
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Re: [Bug/Exploit] Infinite railed bridges

Postby lugdunon » Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:45 pm

Just verified that is indeed happening, even on the development branch.

Fixed this one quick, it was an property omission in the item definition. ;)

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