There are a few things left to wrap up, bugs to stomp on, and another quick video on the new arc system features.
Here are the highlights:
Containers can now send as well as receive items via matter pumps.
Chicken coops can now send eggs via matter pumps.
Crafting stations (currently just the default crafting station) can now accept items via matter pumps that match the configured recipe and once all items are present, they can then export the crafted item via matter pumps. Crafting stations also support several information outputs that reveal the current item creation progress.
If a crafting station's recipe configuration is changed, any recipe items that are left over at the switch will be mailed to the owner of the crafting station.
Matter pumps require 50 arc power to operate and crafting stations require 20 * the recipe item count arc power to operate. With this in mind, the behavior of the arc battery has been fixed to store up to the required charge and then discharge it all in a single arc pulse.
Mods altered in this update:
Server mods altered in this update:
- net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.defaults
/etc files altered in this update:
- items.json
Release Notes:
- Fixed an issue with the delete item dialog not clearing selection on a delete confirmation.
- Fixed an issue with net.lugdunon.util.EventProducer using call instead of apply when calling listeners.
- Fixed an issue with the win64 server download's run.bat, that was causing the mods to not be locatable. Thanks Boss for bringing this to my attention!
- Fixed an issue causing certain arc pulses to not expire when they should.
- Added net.lugdunon.item.Item.craftingStation boolean property.
- Crafting stations now support the arc power / information / matter system.
- net.lugdunon.ui.inventory.sub.CraftingGrid now supports a 'readonly' mode for viewing automated crafting content.
- Added a readonly boolean property to net.lugdunon.ui.inventory.InventoryDialog.addInventorySlot().
- Added icon ARC_MATTER_PUMP.
- Chests and the default crafting bench are now properly set up in the items.json for use in the arc system.
- net.lugdunon.command.core.inventory.AssignItemCommand altered to support non-character related item assignment.
- net.lugdunon.command.core.inventory.MoveInventoryItemCommand altered to support non-character related item relocation.
- net.lugdunon.command.core.inventory.RemoveInventoryItemCommand altered to support non-character related item removal.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.character.Character.INVALID_SLOT.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.character.Character.INVALID_BLOCK.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.action.configure.ShowCraftingContentsAction to the client-side code base.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.action.configure.matter.EditMatterConsumerValueAction to the client-side code base.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.action.configure.matter.EditMatterProviderValueAction to the client-side code base.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.matter.IMatterConsumerInformationProviderArcHandler to the client-side code base.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.matter.IMatterProviderInformationProviderArcHandler to the client-side code base.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.matter.MatterPumpArcHandler to the client-side code base.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.matter.MatterRequest to the server-side code base.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.matter.MatterResponse to the server-side code base.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.CraftingStationArcHandler to the server-side code base.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.matter.ContainerMatterArcHandler.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.matter.IMatterConsumerArcHandler.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.matter.IMatterProviderArcHandler.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.EggProviderArcHandler.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.information.IInformationProviderArcHandler.getInformationConfigurationLabel() to the client-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.information.IInformationProviderArcHandler.getInformationConfigurationIcon() to the client-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.information.IInformationProviderArcHandler.handleInformationConfigurationInvocation() to the client-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.ConsumerArcHandler.getArcsConsumed() to the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.ArcPulse.getInitialPulseMagnitude() to the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.isCraftingStation() to the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.setCraftingStation(boolean craftingStation) to the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemCache.newItem(Item itemDef, int stackSize) to the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.PlaceableItemInstance.firstEmptySlot(int slotType, boolean reverseSearch) to the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.PlaceableItemInstance.findAvailableSlotForItem(Item item, int amount, int slotType) to the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.PlaceableItemInstance.findAvailableContainerSlotForItem(Item item, int amount) to the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.PlaceableItemInstance.findAvailableCraftingSlotForItem(Item item, int amount) to the server-side API.
- Batteries now store up to a given charge and then release that charge in a single pulse.
- Containers now have an appropriately arcified tooltip.
- Crafting stations now have an appropriately arcified tooltip.
- Containers can now send and receive items via the arc matter system.
- Chicken coops can now send eggs via the arc matter system.
- Added a matter pump item.