- net.lugdunon.world.defaults.environment
Server mods altered in this update:
- net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.procedural
Release Notes:
- Standalone client will now report any server sub-process startup error to the client (with copyable stack trace).
- Support for ambient audio for biomes added.
- Fixed an issue in net.lugdunon.asset.DoubleBufferedAudio.setVolume(volume) that was causing exceptions in certain cases.
- Fixed net.lugdunon.world.defaults.environment.calendar.SimpleGaulishCalendar.getTimeOfDay() to return the proper value.
- Added ambient sound to the ocean biome.
- Added worldGen and worldId props to the getAvailableWorldConfigProps REST call in net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.procedural.ProceduralWorldGen
- Added net.lugdunon.asset.AssetManager.getBiomeAudioChannels() to the client-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.asset.AssetManager.findAudioForBiome(biomeId) to the client-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.asset.AssetManager.updateBiomeAudio(biomeDistanceMap, instanceTransitionOccurred) to the client-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.states.tiledGame.chunk.ChunkManager.biomeDistanceUpdate(res) to the client-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.ui.dialog.CopyableLargeTextDialog.html to the client-side codebase.
- Added net.lugdunon.ui.dialog.copyableLargeText(title,message,copyableContent,context,callback) to the client-side API.
- Added Namespace.isNull(o) to the client-side API.
- Added Namespace.compareObject(o,p) to the client-side API.
- Added Namespace. to the client-side API.
- Removed net.lugdunon.world.placeables.PlaceableItemInstance.FALLOFF_PROGRESSION_MODES from the client-side API.
- Removed net.lugdunon.world.placeables.PlaceableItemInstance.getAudio() from the client-side API.
- Removed net.lugdunon.world.placeables.PlaceableItemInstance.getAudioVolume() from the client-side API.
- Removed net.lugdunon.world.placeables.PlaceableItemInstance.getAudioFalloffRadius() from the client-side API.
- Removed net.lugdunon.world.placeables.PlaceableItemInstance.getAudioFalloffProgression() from the client-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.world.placeables.PlaceableItemInstance.initAudioDefinition() to the client-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.world.placeables.PlaceableItemInstance.getAudioDefinition() to the client-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.util.audio.AudioDefinition. This server and client-side class encapsulates the logic for defining and driving audio in Lugdunon's environment.
- /getAvailableServerConfigProps/ REST call now also returns the extended properties defined by loaded server mods.
- /getAvailableWorldConfigProps/ REST call now also returns the extended properties defined by loaded server and world mods.
- net.lugdunon.client.runner.Runner will now only launch a sub-process in headless mode if it is required.
- Removed net.lugdunon.client.Client.handleServerFail() from the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.client.Client.handleServerFail(String message) to the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.client.Client.getServerFailMessage() to the server-side API.
- PlaySoundCommand now utilizes the new AudioDefinition API.
- ActionPerformedCommand now utilizes the new AudioDefinition API.
- DirectDamageCommand now utilizes the new AudioDefinition API.
- net.lugdunon.state.aoe.AreaOfEffect now utilizes the new AudioDefinition API.
- net.lugdunon.state.aoe.AreaOfEffectInstance now utilizes the new AudioDefinition API.
- net.lugdunon.state.character.effect.PlaySoundCharacterEffect now utilizes the new AudioDefinition API.
- net.lugdunon.state.item.Item now utilizes the new AudioDefinition API.
- InstanceTransitionCommand now triggers a biome distance update.
- PlayerMoveCommand now triggers a biome distance update.
- LoadCharacterCommand now triggers a biome distance update.
- Added net.lugdunon.command.CommandProperties.getAudioDefinition(String key, AudioDefinition defaultValue) to the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.command.CommandProperties.getAudioDefinition(String key) to the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.command.CommandProperties.setAudioDefinition(String key, AudioDefinition value) to the server-side API.
- Fixed an issue in net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.BaseWorldGen that was causing null pointer exceptions when loading server mods.
- Removed net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.getSoundEffect(JSONObject soundEffectDefinition) from the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.setSoundEffect(AudioDefinition soundEffectDefinition) to the server-side API.
- Removed net.lugdunon.util.IFatalErrorHandler.handleFatalError(Exception e) from the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.util.IFatalErrorHandler.handleFatalError(Throwable t) to the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.Biome.biomeDistanceUpdate(Point location, Instance instance, EnhancedDataOutputStream out) to the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.world.environment.calendar.BaseCalendar.getTimeOfDay().
- Added net.lugdunon.world.environment.calendar.BaseCalendar.getTimeOfDayAsPercent().
- Added net.lugdunon.world.terrain.Terrain.biomesInRangeOf(Point loc, int range) to the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.Server.listExtendedWorldPropertiesForWorld(String worldGen, String worldId) to the server-side API.
- Environment layer now affects character labels, targeting circles, and most other UI effects.
- Fixed an issue that was causing harvested resources to regenerate faster than expected.
- Removed Farm quest chain completion achievement from procedural world gen worlds.