- net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.default
- net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.procedural
/etc files altered in this update:
- nonPlayerCharacterNamesList.json
- npcs.json
Release Notes:
- Added support for random npc name generation, with support for custom name lists, in-place random selection, and multiple name parts.
- Added etc/nonPlayerCharacterNamesList.json to the default world gen.
- Added BOSS.DUNGEON.LOWLAND.RUINS npc to procedural world gen.
- Added BOSS.DUNGEON.MIDLAND.RUINS npc to procedural world gen.
- Added BOSS.DUNGEON.HIGHLAND.RUINS npc to procedural world gen.
- Adjusted exp rewarded and health for ghostly scholars.
- Ghostly scholars are now hostile to player characters.
- Exit portals and npc should no longer spawn in walls.
- Removed "npc.name.filter" server configuration property.
- Removed "npc.name.filter.error" server configuration property.
- Added "npc.name.provider" world configuration property.
- Added net.lugdunon.world.terrain.Terrain.getSpawnableBiomeIndices() to the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.world.terrain.Terrain.getSpawnableIndicesForBiome(byte biomeId) to the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.World.getNPCNameProvider() to the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.character.name.INonPlayerCharacterNameProvider to the server-side code base.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.character.name.NonPlayerCharacterListNameProvider to the server-side code base.