by lugdunon » Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:21 am
- Added easing to health and stamina bars in the player status UI. This will make value transitions seem more fluid.
- Added earth blessing sprite effect.
- Added fire blessing sprite effect.
- Fixed stamina check in assign spell command.
- Fixed issue with modifier apply command not setting the actor property for the ModifierApplyChargedAction.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.character.advancement.def.modifier.CharacterStatModifier.STATS_TO_DISPLAY.healthIncrease to the client-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.character.advancement.def.modifier.CharacterStatModifier.STATS_TO_DISPLAY.staminaIncrease to the client-side API.
- net.lugdunon.state.character.advancement.def.modifier.CharacterStatModifier now properly informs the resource change delegate that a stat change has occurred.
- net.lugdunon.state.character.advancement.def.DefaultCharacterStats now corrects for situations where the current health is greater than the maximum health.
- Made net.lugdunon.state.character.advancement.def.DefaultCharacterStats.informResourceChangeViaAdvancement public.
- Renamed informResourceChangeViaAdvancement to informResourceChangeDelegate in net.lugdunon.state.character.advancement.def.DefaultCharacterStats.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.character.advancement.ICharacterStats.HEALTH_MODIFY_CAUSE_MAXIMUM_HEALTH_RECALCULATED.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.character.advancement.ICharacterStats.STAMINA_MODIFY_CAUSE_MAXIMUM_STAMINA_RECALCULATED.
- Added 'Health Recovery' advancement set.
- Added 'Stamina Recovery' advancement set.
- Added mustard seeds, and mustard plant.
- Added rosemary seeds, rosemary, and rosemary plant.
- Added sage seeds, sage, and sage plant.
- Added 'Mustard Glazed Mutton' item and recipe.
- Added 'Rosemary Beef Steak' item and recipe.
- Added 'Roast Pork with Sage' item and recipe.
- Added 'Scroll of Flame of Life' item and recipe.
- Added 'Scroll of Vigor of Earth' item and recipe.
- Added 'Spell: Flame of Life'.
- Added 'Spell: Vigor of Earth'.
- Added 'Modifier: Flame of Life', increases maximum health by 50%.
- Added 'Modifier: Vigor of Earth', increases maximum stamina by 50%.