Screen resolutions & Balance issues

Screen resolutions & Balance issues

Postby Brash » Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:32 am

Not really a bug, nor a suggestion, just bringing attention to an issue.

Screen resolution might have a massive impact in PvP type issues. I play on a huge desktop monitor (2560x1600 but I think 1900x1024 is the highest supported ingame resolution).

That means I can target and cast offensive spells on skeletons etc that are much farther off than someone with a smaller resolution. So in a PvP battle, a mage playing at high resolution can target and kill players who cannot even see him onscreen if they are on a mobile device with lower resolution.

In PvE it's probably no big deal. Just something to keep in mind, I am not sure how to "fix" or balance this. It might just mean that custom worlds that are heavily PvP oriented, want to keep that in mind
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Re: Screen resolutions & Balance issues

Postby lugdunon » Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:30 am

Very nice observation.

The only way I can think of to combat this is to provide rather conservative range restrictions on actions, but someone with more screen real estate will always have an advantage, just by having the ability to see more of the playing field.
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Re: Screen resolutions & Balance issues

Postby Rices » Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:35 pm

do you guys know "Ragnarok Online"(Ro) and maybe a Freeshard server ( when i had played on Europe Ro there wasn't that huge zoom level), along with a range restriction for skills it was possible to zoom out far further than the scaling where things was displayed, that way even someone like me had the chance to play on "grid" range than just the small normal screen display from 1024x7xx back then with my Monitor. Well the objects was alot smaller but you had the chance to compete the overview from a Widescreen/Hd Monitor&Resolution with that option.

well i don't know how it could work in this case but let the max Resolution be brashs Display which is is maximal zoomout stage aswell. Lower resolution could adjust the zoomout to that point too, with just smaller objects displayed. just an idea :)
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Re: Screen resolutions & Balance issues

Postby Brash » Sat Jan 25, 2014 5:24 am

I think I saw one YouTube where players could use a "magnifying glass" to better see parts of a zoomed out screen, maybe something like that would help.
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